
How Do Escalator Cleaners Work?

The Thomsen Way! TM This is a method for cleaning that is based on the scientific test of the presence of health threats. Then, based on the extent of contamination, Thomsen recommends a specific cleaning method using Thomsen's highly effective and patented equipment cleaners, conditioners, and disinfectants. After disinfecting and cleaning the handrails are checked. Once fully tested and cleaned and passed, the results are sent at Thomsen's, Inc. daily testing takes only about a minute and the process of cleaning is efficient, safe, and economical. BENEFITS: Maintenance - with this low-cost escalator cleaning machine , you can schedule your escalators to be cleaned more frequently (daily or weekly) providing for a safer and cleaner environment. A regular cleaning procedure helps to remove any potential hazards resulting from spilled liquid and keeps your escalator operating safely. Restoration - restore your dirty or neglected escalators to near-new condition. BASIC IN

5 Reasons To Invest In Escalator Cleaning Machines

 People prefer to use escalators more often in public places. In times of viruses, it is mandatory to clean the escalator regularly. Escalator cleaning machines are a convenient option for escalator cleaning. Here are five reasons to invest in escalator cleaning machines. 1. Easy to Use Choose your desired parameters and leave the hard work to the machine. It assists in achieving the best and cleanest outcomes and saves a significant amount of time. It is by far the most efficient approach for cleaning an escalator in a short period. 2. Effective and efficient cleaning Cleaning the escalator in one pass would be easier with an escalator machine. The escalator machine can save you a lot of time and increase your cleaning efficiency by over 100%. It collects dust and debris more effectively. 3. Low-Cost Maintenance An escalator cleaning machine appears to be the most cost-effective solution. To begin with, it saves time by cleaning effectively. Secondly, it saves you money